

Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]:




# cp /usr/local/sbin/pkg-static /usr/jails/basejail/sbin/


jexec $1 pkg-static add /pkg/$pkg



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クリア画像。q1からq5、そしてlast questionを解くと表示されます。


解読できる学生求む!ターミナルに残された暗号 #RECRUIT_CODE|リクルートホールディングス サマーインターンシップ 2014





うーん、何も通信はしていないのにWrong Answerと応答がされますねー。ということで、全てクライアントで処理しているってことがわかります。



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先ほど回答を入力した際に表示された、「Wrong Answer」を検索ワードにし、前後のソースコードを見ます。


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{answerHash:["e155e1bb4a9c38e3baf90637ab7865df"],name:"answer_1",question:"Q1"}),c.app.answer_2=new i({answerHash:["7d9a0d11cb36e12a68817aff945390de"],name:"answer_2",question:"Q2"}),c.app.answer_3=new i({answerHash:["312db69f5bf4447dfe3c58983083b54f"],name:"answer_3",question:"Q3"}),c.app.answer_4=new i({answerHash:["9c8d9e1d80fc923ca7d532e46a3d606f"],name:"answer_4",question:"Q4"}),c.app.answer_5=new i({answerHash:["5494af1f14a8c19939968c3e9e2d4f79","9300f2256529efedc2300a9d4e1879d0"],name:"answer_5",question:"Q5"})}


あ、last questionもありますが、それもこの方法が使えます。


Alpha World Online解析データ

















各使用スキルの種類別(Basic SkillやCombat Skill等)についての構成ファイル










Tree種    Tree/Ancient Tree/Poison Tree/Treant/Dryad
Deposit種  Iron Deposit/Tin Deposit/Gold Deposit/Mithril Deposit
Rat種     Rat/Huge Rat/Giant Rat/Volcano Gabs
Snake種   Snake/Brown Serpent/Venom Viper/Edge Viper/Giant Serpent/White Python
Spider種   Spider/Sand Spider/Tarantura/Evil Spider
Bat種     Bat/Forest Weekee/Black Bat/Vampire Bat/Giant Wing
Spirit種    Fire Spirit/Water Spirit/Wind Spirit/Earth Spirit
         Flame Spirit/Frozen Spirit/Lightning Spirit/Gravity Spirit
         Inferno Spirit/Ice Spirit/Thunder Spirit/Poison Spirit/Will o' the wisp
Bear種    Bear/Black Bear/Grizzly/Red Bear/Polar Bear
Zombie Rat種 Zombie Rat
Goblin種   Goblin/Goblin Shaman/Goblin Elite
Skeleton種  Skeleton/Skeleton Shaman/Skeleton Fighter/Skeleton Curse

Boss種    Skull King/Goblin Duke/Death Tree/King Electric Eel/Flame Wing
       Wild Grass/Waterweed/Killer Plant/Mountain Bloom/Chilled Flower

Zombie RatはRat種に入るか不明だったので別に表記しています。


Newbie None
New 5
Cradle 10
Young 15
Awkward 20
Graduate 25
Recruit 30
Private 35
Chief 40
Elite 45
Captain 50

BILD rank(level)
House rank 1-4
Hospital rank 1-2
Shop rank 1-2
Alter rank 1-4
Guild rank 1-2
Wood rank 1-5
Stone rank 1-4

House rank/Hospital rank/Shop rank/Altar rank/Guild rank/Wood rank/Stone rank/

現在実装・未実装に関わらずのスキル一覧(dataver. FF03)

Basic Skill/Gathering Skill/Craft Skill/Combat Skill

Swimming/Corpse Recovery/First Aid/Taming/Riding/Fishing/Stealing/Gambling/Drunkenness/
Mining/Herbalism/Lamberjack/Cultivation/Blacksmith/Cooking/Carpentry/Tailoring/Alchemy/Jewel Craftin/
Inscription/Beautification/Wearing/Dodge/Concentration/Magic Resist/Parry/Fist/Slash/Blunt/Piercing/
Bow/Ravage Spell/Healing Spell/Mystery Spell/Protechtion Spell/Death Spell/


[Short Sword](アドレス範囲 00000BDC-C70)

00000BDC:0B   アイテム名(Short Sword)の文字数(11個)を16進数に変換した文字(0B)です。
00000BE0:53-64 アイテム(この場合はShort Sword)
00000BEB:0A   グラフィック名(ShortSword)の文字数(10個)を16進数に変換した文字(0A)です。
00000BEF:53-64 グラフィック名(この場合はShortSword)
00000BF9:16   能力値(効果)の種類
00000C0D:01    Critical Chance(実際の能力値を16進数に変換した数値)
00000C11:05    攻撃半径(上に同じ)
00000C15:07    Attack Delay(上に同じ)
00000C19:08    Attack Power(上に同じ)

※実際の能力値というのはゲーム内で表記されている10進数の数値(Short SwordのCritical Chanceは+1)です。

00000BF9:16 の数値はグラフィック名のすぐ後から3バイトおきに数値を上書きすることができ、


00 00 53 6B 75 6C 6C 52 69 6E 67 ⑮ 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ①
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... というバイナリがあります。

数値15 の前の[53 6B 75 6C 6C 52 69 6E 67]は[SkullRing]を16進数にした数値です。
後述しますが、この数値⑮の効果はDodge Rating +Xです。そしてパラメータが①なので
スカルリングの能力値はDodge Rating +1 となります。武器などは⑮などの3バイト後にまた数値が入り、

※ X は20バイト後のパラメータの数値により変化します。

[01]Corpse Recovery上限 +X
[02]スキル合計上限 +X
[03]物件所有数上限 +X
[04]アイテムスロット数上限 +X
[05]アイテムストック数上限 +X
[09]使用:アルターへテレポート 有効範囲 X
[0C]使用:Health上限 +X
[0D]使用:Energy上限 +X
[0E]使用:Mana上限 +X
[0F]使用:Health回復 +X


[10]使用:Mana回復 +X
[11]使用:Energy回復 +X
[12]装備:Attack Power +X
[13]装備:Armor Class +X
[14]装備:Hit Rating +X
[15]装備:Dodge Rating +X
[16]装備:Critical Chance +X
[17]装備:Block Chance +X
[18]装備:Attack Delay +X
[19]使用:Move Speed +X
[1A]使用:Swimming Speed +X


00 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 78 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
0F 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 09 01 00 00 0C 01 00 00
0A 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

78 00 00 00 04の04はカテゴリー

...04 00 00 00 78 00 00 00

01 00 00 00 14 00... の14は必要エナジー
03 00 00 00 10 は決まりごとなのかな?詳細不明

0F 00 00 00 ... の0Fは必要スキルレベル

0F 00 00 00 11 00 の11 00はアイテムID

11 00はiron ingot 09 01はbat wing 0C 01はLight Stone

0Aはiron ingotの10個 05はbat wingの5個 0Fはlightstoneの15個  順番通り



例:Short Sword [14 00]
※ xx は別のアイテムについてのアドレス

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 14 00 00 00 1B 01 00 00
01 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 xx xx xx xx

アイテムIDの次の2つ 1B 01は強化アイテムのアイテムID(1B 01はDream Dust)
そしてその次 01 は強化アイテムの数量
その次 0F はそのアイテムの上限レベル(Short Swordは15レベルまで)


例:Maul [31 00]
※ xx は別のアイテムについてのアドレス

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 31 00 00 00
11 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

アイテムIDの次の 11 00 は修理アイテムのアイテムID(11 00はIron Ingot)
そしてその次 01 は修理アイテムの数量


[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 82 99 EF BC 91) AccessRing
[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 92 99 EF BC 92) SkullRing
[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 92 99 EF BC 93) RubyRing
[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 82 99 EF BC 94) AccessRing
[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 82 99 EF BC 95) DiaNeck
[xx] 莠亥y・・(0x20 E4 BA 88 E5 82 99 EF BC 96) GoldNeck

[00] なし
[01] Roast Rat
[02] Bear Steak
[03] Sunny-side up
[04] Crispy Bat
[05] Smoked Snake
[06] Glass
[07] Brick
[08] Wooden Board
[09] Ancient Board
[0A] Treant Board
[0B] Fur Cloth
[0C] Silk Cloth
[0D] Fireweave Cloth
[0E] Animal Leather
[0F] Beast Leather
[10] Dragon Leather
[11] Iron Ingot
[12] Gold Ingot
[13] Mithril Ingot
[14] Short Sword
[15] Gladius
[16] Scimitar
[17] Broad Sword
[18] Long Sword
[19] Katana
[1A] Flamberge
[1B] Claymore
[1C] Bastard Sword
[1D] Great Sword
[1E] Two-handed sword

[29] Skeleton Shield
[2A] Spiked Shield
[2A] Club
[2B] Wooden Sword
[2C] Mace
[2D] Battle Mallet
[2E] Heavy Mace
[2F] War Mace
[30] Quarter Staff
[32] Scepter
[33] War Hammer
[34] Morgenstern
[34] Kryss
[34] Rapier
[34] Battle Fork
[34] Short Spear
[34] Spear
[34] Pike
[34] Lance
[34] Trident
[34] Partisan
[34] Glaive
[34] Short Bow
[34] Hunting Bow
[34] Long Bow
[34] Cross Bow
[34] Heavy Cross Bow
[34] Battle Bow
[34] Chain Coif
[34] Chain Pauldrons
[34] Chain Glove
[34] Chain Tunic
[34] Chain Westguard
[34] Chain Chausses
[34] Plate Helm
[34] Plate Shoulderguards
[34] Plate Glove
[34] Plate Mail
[34] Plate Waist
[34] Plate Legguard
[3B] Buckler
[3C] Leather Shield
[3D] Round Shield
[3E] Kite Shield
[3E] Stone Shield
[3F] Tower Shield
[40] Heater Shield
[41] Gothic Shield
[41] Kodachi
[42] War Shield

[49] Silk Hat
[4A] Silk Robe
[4B] Silk Mantle
[4C] Silk Handwraps
[4D] Silk Belt
[4E] Silk Trousers
[4F] Leather Cap
[50] Leather Pads
[51] Leather Glove
[52] Leather Tunic
[53] Leather Girdle
[54] Leather Legpads
[55] Studded Leather Cap
[56] Studded Leather Pads
[57] Studded Leather Glove
[58] Studded Leather Tunic
[59] Studded Leather Girdle
[5A] Studded Leather Legpads
[5B] Scale Bascinet
[5C] Scale Shoulderpads
[5D] Scale Gauntlets
[5E] Scale Breastplate
[5F] Scale Waistguard
[60] Scale Greaves
[6D] Fur Bandage
[6E] Silk Bandage
[6F] Fireweave Bandage
[70] Building Kit: Tent
[71] Building Kit: Log Cabin
[72] Building Kit: Brick House
[73] Building Kit: Castle
[74] Building Kit: Medical Tent
[75] Building Kit: Hospital
[76] Building Kit: Street Stall
[77] Building Kit: Store
[78] Building Kit: Local Altar
[79] Building Kit: High Altar
[7A] Building Kit: Sea Altar
[7B] Building Kit: Super Altar
[7C] Building Kit: Guild House
[7D] Building Kit: Guild Keep
[7E] Steel Ingot
[80] Grilled Spider
[81] Snake Sausage
[82] Fireweave Hat
[83] Fireweave Robe
[84] Fireweave Mantle
[85] Fireweave Handwraps
[86] Fireweave Waistguard
[87] Fireweave Trousers
[88] Seiryu's Sword

例外:29のSkeleton Shieldを入力しても34のGlaiveが表示される、34のGlaiveより同じ34のMorgensternが優先される


※ID[84 01]より後はアップデートによる追加でジャンル関係ないのでジャンル分けの改行はありません。

[00 00] Unknown
[01 00] Roast Rat
[02 00] Bear Steak
[03 00] Sunny-side up
[04 00] Crispy Bat
[05 00] Smoked Snake
[06 00] Glass
[07 00] Brick
[08 00] Wooden Board
[09 00] Ancient Board
[0A 00] Treant Board
[0B 00] Fur Cloth
[0C 00] Silk Cloth
[0D 00] Fireweave Cloth
[0E 00] Animal Leather
[0F 00] Beast Leather
[10 00] Dragon Leather
[11 00] Iron Ingot
[12 00] Gold Ingot
[13 00] Mithril Ingot

[14 00] Short Sword
[15 00] Gladius
[16 00] Scimitar
[17 00] Broad Sword
[18 00] Long Sword
[19 00] Katana
[1A 00] Flamberge
[1B 00] Claymore
[1C 00] Bastard Sword
[1D 00] Great Sword
[1E 00] Two-handed sword
[1F 00] Dagger
[20 00] Kryss
[21 00] Rapier
[22 00] Battle Fork
[23 00] Short Spear
[24 00] Spear
[25 00] Pike
[26 00] Lance
[27 00] Trident
[28 00] Partisan
[29 00] Glaive
[2A 00] Club
[2B 00] Wooden Sword
[2C 00] Mace
[2D 00] Battle Mallet
[2E 00] Heavy Mace
[2F 00] War Mace
[30 00] Quarter Staff
[31 00] Maul
[32 00] Scepter
[33 00] War Hammer
[34 00] Morgenstern
[35 00] Short Bow
[36 00] Hunting Bow
[37 00] Long Bow
[38 00] Cross Bow
[39 00] Heavy Cross Bow
[3A 00] Battle Bow
[3B 00] Leather Shield
[3C 00] Buckler
[3D 00] Round Shield
[3E 00] Kite Shield
[3F 00] Tower Shield
[40 00] Heater Shield
[41 00] Gothic Shield
[42 00] War Shield

[43 00] Cloth Hood
[44 00] Cloth Amice
[45 00] Cloth Mitten
[46 00] Cloth Shirts
[47 00] Cloth Sash
[48 00] Cloth Breeches
[49 00] Silk Hat
[4A 00] Silk Mantle
[4B 00] Silk Handwraps
[4C 00] Silk Robe
[4D 00] Silk Waistguard
[4E 00] Silk Trousers
[4F 00] Leather Cap
[50 00] Leather Pads
[51 00] Leather Glove
[52 00] Leather Tunic
[53 00] Leather Girdle
[54 00] Leather Legpads
[55 00] Studded Leather Cap
[56 00] Studded Leather Pads
[57 00] Studded Leather Glove
[58 00] Studded Leather Tunic
[59 00] Studded Leather Girdle
[5A 00] Studded Leather Legpads
[5B 00] Scale Bascinet
[5C 00] Scale Shoulderpads
[5D 00] Scale Gauntlets
[5E 00] Scale Breastplate
[5F 00] Scale Waistguard
[60 00] Scale Greaves
[61 00] Chain Coif
[62 00] Chain Pauldrons
[63 00] Chain Glove
[64 00] Chain Tunic
[65 00] Chain Westguard
[66 00] Chain Chausses
[67 00] Plate Helm
[68 00] Plate Shoulderguards
[69 00] Plate Glove
[6A 00] Plate Mail
[6B 00] Plate Waist
[6C 00] Plate Legguard

[6D 00] Fur Bandage
[6E 00] Silk Bandage
[6F 00] Fireweave Bandage

[70 00] Building Kit: Tent
[71 00] Building Kit: Log Cabin
[72 00] Building Kit: Brick House
[73 00] Building Kit: Castle
[74 00] Building Kit: Medical Tent
[75 00] Building Kit: Hospital
[76 00] Building Kit: Street Stall
[77 00] Building Kit: Store
[78 00] Building Kit: Local Altar
[79 00] Building Kit: High Altar
[7A 00] Building Kit: Sea Altar
[7B 00] Building Kit: Super Altar
[7C 00] Building Kit: Guild House
[7D 00] Building Kit: Guild Keep

[7E 00] Magical Pocket: Stock +100
[7F 00] Magical Pocket: Slot +5
[80 00] Holy Blood
[81 00] Holy Water: Swimming
[82 00] Holy Water: Corpse Recovery
[83 00] Holy Water: First Aid
[84 00] Holy Water: Taming
[85 00] Holy Water: Riding
[86 00] Holy Water: Fishing
[87 00] Holy Water: Stealing
[88 00] Holy Water: Gambling
[89 00] Holy Water: Drunkenness
[8A 00] Holy Water: Mining
[8B 00] Holy Water: Herbalism
[8C 00] Holy Water: Lumberjack
[8D 00] Holy Water: Cultivation
[8E 00] Holy Water: Blacksmith
[8F 00] Holy Water: Cooking
[90 00] Holy Water: Carpentry
[91 00] Holy Water: Tailoring
[92 00] Holy Water: Alchemy
[93 00] Holy Water: Jewel Crafting
[94 00] Holy Water: Inscription
[95 00] Holy Water: Beautification
[96 00] Holy Water: Wearing
[97 00] Holy Water: Concentration
[98 00] Holy Water: Magic Resist
[99 00] Holy Water: Parry
[9A 00] Holy Water: Fist Attack
[9B 00] Holy Water: Slash Weapon
[9C 00] Holy Water: Blunt Weapon
[9D 00] Holy Water: Piercing Weapon
[9E 00] Holy Water: Ranged Weapon
[9F 00] Holy Water: Ravage Spell
[A0 00] Holy Water: Healing Spell
[A1 00] Holy Water: Mystery Spell
[A2 00] Holy Water: Protection Spell
[A3 00] Holy Water: Death Spell

[A4 00] Recipe: Roast Rat
[A5 00] Recipe: Bear Steak
[A6 00] Recipe: Sunny-side up
[A7 00] Recipe: Crispy Bat
[A8 00] Recipe: Smoked Snake
[A9 00] Recipe: Glass
[AA 00] Recipe: Brick
[AB 00] Recipe: Wooden Board
[AC 00] Recipe: Ancient Board
[AD 00] Recipe: Treant Board
[AE 00] Recipe: Fur Cloth
[AF 00] Recipe: Silk Cloth
[B0 00] Recipe: Fireweave Cloth
[B1 00] Recipe: Animal Leather
[B2 00] Recipe: Beast Leather
[B3 00] Recipe: Dragon Leather
[B4 00] Recipe: Iron Ingot
[B5 00] Recipe: Gold Ingot
[B6 00] Recipe: Mithril Ingot

[B7 00] Recipe: Short Sword
[B8 00] Recipe: Gladius
[B9 00] Recipe: Scimitar
[BA 00] Recipe: Broad Sword
[BB 00] Recipe: Long Sword
[BC 00] Recipe: Katana
[BD 00] Recipe: Flamberge
[BE 00] Recipe: Claymore
[BF 00] Recipe: Bastard Sword
[C0 00] Recipe: Great Sword
[C1 00] Recipe: Two-handed sword
[C2 00] Recipe: Round Shield
[C3 00] Recipe: Buckler
[C4 00] Recipe: Leather Shield
[C5 00] Recipe: Kite Shield
[C6 00] Recipe: Stone Shield
[C7 00] Recipe: Tower Shield
[C8 00] Recipe: Heater Shield
[C9 00] Recipe: Gothic Shield
[CA 00] Recipe: War Shield
[CB 00] Recipe: Kodachi
[CC 00] Recipe: Skeleton Shield
[CD 00] Recipe: Spiked Shield

[CE 00] Recipe: Fur Bandage
[CF 00] Recipe: Silk Bandage
[D0 00] Recipe: Fireweave Bandage

[D1 00] Recipe: Leather Cap
[D2 00] Recipe: Leather Tunic
[D3 00] Recipe: Leather Pads
[D4 00] Recipe: Leather Glove
[D5 00] Recipe: Leather Girdle
[D6 00] Recipe: Leather Legpads
[D7 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Cap
[D8 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Pads
[D9 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Glove
[DA 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Tunic
[DB 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Girdle
[DC 00] Recipe: Studded Leather Legpads

[DD 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Tent
[DE 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Log Cabin
[DF 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Brick House
[E0 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Castle
[E1 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Medical Tent
[E2 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Hospital
[E3 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Street Stall
[E4 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Store
[E5 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Local Altar
[E6 00] Recipe: Building Kit: High Altar
[E7 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Sea Altar
[E8 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Super Altar
[E9 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Guild House
[EA 00] Recipe: Building Kit: Guild Keep

[EB 00] Building Deed
[EC 00] Skill Boost Potion
[ED 00] Greater Skill Boost Potion
[EE 00] Anti-Poison Potion
[EF 00] Anti-Disease Potion
[F0 00] Anti-Curse Potion
[F1 00] Heal Potion
[F2 00] Great Heal Potion
[F3 00] Mana Potion
[F4 00] Great Mana Potion
[F5 00] Energy Potion
[F6 00] Great Energy Potion
[F7 00] Name Change Notice
[F8 00] Amulet of Upgrade
[F9 00] Enchanted Fire
[FA 00] Enchanted Water
[FB 00] Enchanted Air
[FC 00] Enchanted Earth
[FD 00] Sand
[FE 00] Spider Leg
[FF 00] Snake Slough
[00 01] Snake Egg
[01 01] Snake Meat
[02 01] Rat Meat
[03 01] Bone Chip
[04 01] Bear Meat
[05 01] Bear Liver
[06 01] Eyeball
[07 01] Bat Meat
[08 01] Bat Heart
[09 01] Bat Wing
[0A 01] Blood
[0B 01] Dirt
[0C 01] Light Stone
[0D 01] Heavy Stone
[0E 01] Lime Stone
[0F 01] Wood
[10 01] Ancient Wood
[11 01] Treant Wood
[12 01] Animal Fur
[13 01] Spider Silk
[14 01] Volcanic Fur
[15 01] Animal Hide
[16 01] Beast Hide
[17 01] Dragon Hide
[18 01] Iron Ore
[19 01] Gold Ore
[1A 01] Mithril Ore
[1B 01] Dream Dust
[1C 01] Dream Powder
[1D 01] Dream Cube
[1E 01] Scroll: Teleport
[1F 01] Snake Fang
[20 01] Spider Fang

[21 01] Recipe: Club
[22 01] Recipe: Quarter Staff
[23 01] Recipe: Steel Ingot

[24 01] Tin Ore
[25 01] Steel Ingot
[26 01] Resin Acid
[27 01] Old Skin
[28 01] Rotten Meat
[29 01] Animal Bone
[2A 01] 窶サ窶サ窶サ窶サ菴ソ逕ィ遖∵ュ「窶サ窶サ窶サ窶サ 

[2B 01] Recipe: Grilled Spider
[2C 01] Recipe: Snake Sausage

[2D 01] White Snake Meat
[2E 01] Grilled Spider
[2F 01] Snake Sausage
[30 01] Poison Board
[31 01] Poison Wood
[32 01] Club of Goblin
[33 01] Bone Sword
[34 01] Graduation Hat
[35 01] Recipe: Wooden Sword
[36 01] Recipe: Mace
[37 01] Recipe: Battle Mallet
[38 01] Recipe: Heavy Mace
[39 01] Recipe: War Mace
[3A 01] Recipe: Maul
[3B 01] Recipe: Scepter
[3C 01] Recipe: War Hammer
[3D 01] Recipe: Morgenstern
[3E 01] Recipe: Kryss
[3F 01] Recipe: Rapier
[40 01] Recipe: Battle Fork
[41 01] Recipe: Short Spear
[42 01] Recipe: Spear
[43 01] Recipe: Pike
[44 01] Recipe: Lance
[45 01] Recipe: Trident
[46 01] Recipe: Partisan
[47 01] Recipe: Glaive
[48 01] Recipe: Short Bow
[49 01] Recipe: Hunting Bow
[4A 01] Recipe: Long Bow
[4B 01] Recipe: Cross Bow
[4C 01] Recipe: Heavy Cross Bow
[4D 01] Recipe: Battle Bow
[4E 01] Recipe: Scale Bascinet
[4F 01] Recipe: Scale Shoulderpads
[50 01] Recipe: Scale Gauntlets
[51 01] Recipe: Scale Breastplate
[52 01] Recipe: Scale Waistguard
[53 01] Recipe: Scale Greaves
[54 01] Recipe: Chain Coif
[55 01] Recipe: Chain Pauldrons
[56 01] Recipe: Chain Glove
[57 01] Recipe: Chain Tunic
[58 01] Recipe: Chain Westguard
[59 01] Recipe: Chain Chausses
[5A 01] Recipe: Plate Helm
[5B 01] Recipe: Plate Shoulderguards
[5C 01] Recipe: Plate Glove
[5D 01] Recipe: Plate Mail
[5E 01] Recipe: Plate Waist
[5F 01] Recipe: Plate Legguard
[60 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備1」)
[61 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備2」)
[62 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備3」)
[63 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備4」)
[64 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備5」)
[65 01] Recipe: 莠亥y・・ (文字コードUTF-8Nで「予備6」)

[66 01] Face-lift Kit: M1
[67 01] Face-lift Kit: M2
[68 01] Face-lift Kit: M3
[69 01] Face-lift Kit: M4
[6A 01] Face-lift Kit: M5
[6B 01] Face-lift Kit: M6
[6C 01] Face-lift Kit: M7
[6D 01] Face-lift Kit: M8
[6E 01] Face-lift Kit: M9
[6F 01] Face-lift Kit: M10
[70 01] Face-lift Kit: M11
[71 01] Face-lift Kit: M12
[72 01] Face-lift Kit: M13
[73 01] Face-lift Kit: M14
[74 01] Face-lift Kit: M15
[75 01] Face-lift Kit: F1
[76 01] Face-lift Kit: F2
[77 01] Face-lift Kit: F3
[78 01] Face-lift Kit: F4
[79 01] Face-lift Kit: F5
[7A 01] Face-lift Kit: F6
[7B 01] Face-lift Kit: F7
[7C 01] Face-lift Kit: F8
[7D 01] Face-lift Kit: F9
[7E 01] Face-lift Kit: F10
[7F 01] Face-lift Kit: F11
[80 01] Face-lift Kit: F12
[81 01] Face-lift Kit: F13
[82 01] Face-lift Kit: F14
[83 01] Face-lift Kit: F15

[84 01] Ring of Might
[85 01] Battle Ring
[86 01] Ring of Force
[87 01] Gold Ring
[88 01] Ring of Energy
[89 01] Ring of Rage
[8A 01] Blessed Ring
[8B 01] Ring of Slaying
[8C 01] Silver Ring
[8D 01] Stone Ring
[8E 01] Arcanite Ring
[8F 01] Skull Ring
[90 01] Assassin's Ring
[91 01] Ring of Glory
[92 01] Ring of Fate
[93 01] Lost Ring
[94 01] Ring of Seiren
[95 01] Gold Necklace
[96 01] Titanium Necklace
[97 01] Necklace of Protector
[98 01] Divine Necklace
[99 01] Damaged Necklace
[9A 01] Diamond Necklace
[9B 01] Forgotten Necklace
[9C 01] Necklace of Power
[9D 01] Sun Necklace
[9E 01] Necklace of Agility
[9F 01] Bone Necklace
[A0 01] Darknight Necklace
[A1 01] Necklace of Guard
[A2 01] Necklace of Impact
[A3 01] Necklace of Speed
[A4 01] Chain Necklace
[A5 01] Glass Necklace
[A6 01] Scroll: Recall Altar
[A7 01] Ring of Enlighten
[A8 01] Ring of Blood
[A9 01] Ring of the Volcano

[AA 01] Electric Necklace
[AB 01] Holy Water: Dodge
[AC 01] Dark Shaman Hat
[AD 01] Dark Shaman Mantle
[AE 01] Dark Shaman Handwraps
[AF 01] Dark Shaman Robe
[B0 01] Dark Shaman Waistguard
[B1 01] Dark Shaman Trousers
[B2 01] Fireweave Hat
[B3 01] Fireweave Mantle
[B4 01] Fireweave Handwraps
[B5 01] Fireweave Robe
[B6 01] Fireweave Waistguard
[B7 01] Fireweave Trousers
[B8 01] Recipe: Silk Hat
[B9 01] Recipe: Silk Robe
[BA 01] Recipe: Silk Mantle
[BB 01] Recipe: Silk Handwraps
[BC 01] Recipe: Silk Waistguard
[BD 01] Recipe: Silk Trousers
[BE 01] Bokutou
[BF 01] Mallet of Crushing
[C0 01] Draconic Maul
[C1 01] Maul of Power
[C2 01] Gilded Scepter
[C3 01] Royal Scepter
[C4 01] Mace of Avoid
[C5 01] Recipe: Fireweave Hat
[C6 01] Recipe: Fireweave Robe
[C7 01] Recipe: Fireweave Mantle
[C8 01] Recipe: Fireweave Handwraps
[C9 01] Recipe: Fireweave Waistguard
[CA 01] Recipe: Fireweave Trousers
[CB 01] Asmodai's Ring
[CC 01] Asmodai's Necklace
[CD 01] Slough Necklace
[CE 01] Assassin Knife
[CF 01] Spell Book: Healing
[D0 01] Spell Book: Antidote
[D1 01] Spell Book: Ressurection
[D2 01] Spell Book: Burst
[D3 01] Spell Book: Freeze
[D4 01] Spell Book: Reborn Once
[D5 01] Spell Book: Bubble Ball
[D6 01] Spell Book: Invisible
[D7 01] Spell Book: Vigor
[D8 01] Spell Book: HolyGuard
[D9 01] Spell Book: Blood Rush
[DA 01] Spell Book: Cancel Magic
[DB 01] Spell Book: Flame Blade
[DC 01] Spell Book: SteamBlood
[DD 01] Spell Book: Teleport
[DE 01] Spell Book: Teleport Close
[DF 01] Spell Book: Teleport All
[E0 01] Spell Book: Sense Altar
[E1 01] Spell Book: Teleport City
[E2 01] Broken WildGrass
[E3 01] Broken WaterWeed
[E4 01] Broken KillerPlant
[E5 01] Broken MountainBloom
[E6 01] Broken ChilledFlower
[E7 01] Broken VolcanoLily
[E8 01] Broken GraveyardMoss
[E9 01] Broken Desertroot
[EA 01] Face-lift Mold: M4
[EB 01] Face-lift Mold: F5
[EC 01] Face-lift Mold: F7
[ED 01] Seiryu's Sword
[EE 01] Leaf
[EF 01] Ancient Leaf
[F0 01] Recipe: Seiryu's Sword
[F1 01] Skewered Snake
[F2 01] Recipe: Skewered Snake
[F3 01] Hat of Halo (Stats Contest 1st)
[F4 01] Hat of Halo (Stats Contest 2nd)
[F5 01] Hat of Halo (Stats Contest 3rd)
[F6 01] Hat of Halo (Stats Contest 3rd)
[F7 01]
[F8 01]
[F9 01]
[FA 01]
[FB 01]
[FC 01]
[FD 01]
[FE 01]
[FF 01]


Digital Forensic Artifacts Research: Forensic artifacts in LINE instant messaging app (iOS version)



「Super Planet Crash」ランキングの人が明らかにチート


星を配置して星系を見守るシミュレーションゲーム「Super Planet Crash」 - GIGAZINE

Super Planet Crash - Can you feel the gravity?

ランキングを見るとこんな感じ。(4/15 21時現在)









「先着1000名様!ゲームクリアで必ずFun!Fun!ピンク缶!プレゼント!」を"必ず"ゲームクリアしてみる - !#




